Frequently Asked Questions
What is raw milk?
Raw milk is just that. Raw. Never heated or treated to rid it of all its natural goodness. In other words, milk that has not been pasteurized. Pasteurization is the process of partially sterilizing food or drink using mild heat.
How long does raw milk last?
Raw milk stays fresh for about 7-10 days. Best kept in glass or plastic containers in the fridge.
What do we feed our cows?
The cows get a mixture of pasture grass, coastal & alfalfa hay then morning and night are grained during milking.
How do we ensure everything is clean?
Prior to each milking session each udder is thoroughly washed down with hot soapy water. The milker is run through a cycle with hot water and rinsed. After milking we run detergent through the tubes, teat cups, can etc. then rinsed again with clean water. After each cow is done, they get a coat of bag balm if needed and each teat is then dipped in iodine.
What to do with extra milk?
Have milk that you need to use up but unsure what to do with it? Go to our Recipes page for ideas and recipes we use.
Still have questions? Ask us here!
We are more than willing to answer any questions you may have. Please submit them below and we will get back to you.